Tuesday, 30 September 2008

A Busy September, but not in the woods

Only one visit this month as other things have been keeping us busy. I collected a boot load of firewood, but will need a few more loads to see us through this winter. Decision on the glade's oaks is that the large one at the edge will be ring barked, there was a young one (about 10 years) which I felled this month but it was growing from an older stool which has some fresh growth, the other oak in the glade will be pollarded. There are a lot more funghi now and a few unripe chestnuts on the ground. The rhododendron that was pulled up is still alive as there was lump of soil left on its roots, it has some fresh growth so it will be heading for a bonfire. I built a coracle this month but still need to make a proper seat for it and also carve a paddle, which I'll do once I've collected some suitable timber from the wood. Computer hassle means that all the photos got wiped, I've got backups for most, but September's are lost so nothing to post up here.

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